Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween in a Can

Happy Halloween, y’all!

Oops—I mean, “Hah! There’s nothing happy about it. It’s a waste of energy.”

That’s right: I’m grouchy today. Specifically, Oscar the Grouch, from Sesame Street.

For a while now I’ve toyed with being Oscar for Halloween. He’s an unforgettable character—negative and surly—but funny, too! I remember watching him on tv when I was a kid. Like most kids, I loved Sesame Street. I didn’t even know I was learning because the show was so delightful and fun. I loved the voices of the characters, and how unique each of them were. It’s such a feel-good memory.

Anyway, it’s been a few years since I made a Halloween costume for myself and I thought I’d give it a whirl again. I always challenge myself to see how much creative magic I can make for as little cash as possible and I’m happy to say that this costume cost only $20 to create. Some of the materials I already had, and some were repurposed (Oscar’s eyeballs are made from a cereal box, which I cut and painted). At Yardage Town I bought some green faux fur. Since the store is closing, the fur was 50% off and they actually gave me extra fabric because it was the end of the bolt and they are trying to reduce inventory. I’m using cardboard for Oscar’s can, plus some paint and felt. I’m making my own trash, which will be falling out of the can. Life gives you garbage? Make compost! (Or however the famous phrase goes…)

Making this banana peel was perhaps my favorite part of this project.

You may remember some of Oscar’s favorite phrases: Scram! Go away!

In an interview Oscar was asked why he lives in a trash can. He had two reasons:

1) I love trash! And 2) the rent is cheap. 

I had forgotten that Oscar has a pet, Slimey the Worm. But once I Googled photos of Oscar and saw Slimey, it all came back to me. (In related news: although my short term memory is shot, my long-term memory still works!)

When researching this project I discovered that one of the creative contributors to Sesame Street, Jim Henson, modeled Oscar after a real man named Oscar, who owned a restaurant where Henson often dined. The actual Oscar was gruff and unfriendly. And so, art modeled life. I love the irony that a crabby, unsmiling man named Oscar inspired a character who has brought so many laughs to kids and adults alike.

According to Wikipedia, Oscar's can is somehow large enough to house a bowling alley, swimming pool, farm, spiral staircase and a piano.

Creativity is not always glamorous.
There is green fur EVERYWHERE. It's in my contact lenses and in my mouth. 

In closing I'd like to thank a few people. Thank you to the creators of Sesame Street for dreaming up the wonderful characters that put so much joy into my childhood.

And thank you to our neighbors. Our kids are excited to come relieve you of your candy tonight!


  1. FANTASTIC Oscar! Love it and what fun you must have had (lot of work, too)

    1. Hi Debby! Thank you, friend! It was definitely a mix of fun, maddening and allergy-inducing.

  2. Luv luv luv! Your description brings back happy memories of watching Sesame Street as a kid. Oscar the grouch really was a character, wasn’t he?

    1. L, yes. He was SO funny. Love his prickly personality...

  3. I seriously thought that was a real banana. This is AMAZING. The whole thing. 💚💚💚

    1. Kimmy, thank you! It did look pretty real, I thought--and isn't hard. I'll make you one!!!

  4. You never fail to blow me away with your frugal creativity & make me smile big. Even when you're "grouchy." Love it a lot!!

    1. Hi Kristi! Oh, thank you. So glad my grouchiness made you smile. Guess I should be grouchy more often!!!

  5. Hey Sara! Your costumes are always such a hoot - (OH NO - another idea for a another fun costume ;) --- hope you and your family are doing GREAT1

    1. Hi Kathy, thank you! Yes, we all are well. We're covered in random pieces of green fur, but we are well.

  6. That is one of the best costumes!!

    1. Adri, thank you! For those of us who grew up with Sesame Street it brings back funny memories, I hope. Glad you liked it!
