Thursday, March 30, 2023

Did Someone say "Spring?"

It’s spring here in Southern California, and our March art projects definitely have a spring theme.

Here in San Diego, we have had tons of rain outside--and tons of water in the art room. Did the ceiling leak? No. But let’s just say that I had the optimistic idea to paint with the first graders. I reasoned to myself, “What could go wrong?” An hour later, wading through puddles on the way to the sink, I had a different perspective. Sure, I’ve had first grade paint before. But it’s been a while and apparently, I forgot how messy it is.

Fifty percent of the paint goes on their paper, and fifty percent goes on the table (allow a 20 percent margin).

They fill their water cups to the brim and slosh most of it on the floor as they swim toward their tables. But we had fun and I survived.

Here is what my students created in March.

Kindergarten colored leprechauns for St. Patrick’s Day. Some kids claim they have caught leprechauns, but I may need photographic proof to believe these tales. 

First grade made leprechaun art, too. Look closely and you will see that some kids made three-dimensional fringed beards from paper. A fun touch.

My fourth graders did adorable leprechaun portraits for St. Patrick’s Day. I love how each one has a distinct personality…

Fifth grade made giant three-dimensional flowers. We used paper plates because they are thicker than regular paper and give us a sturdy structure. The kids used markers to color their flowers, and we incorporated construction paper, too. Thank heavens for hot glue.

Sith grade made oversized flowers, too. These are really getting me ready for Spring. (Okay, I’m ready for Spring, regardless of the sixth grade flowers, but you know what I mean…)

Seventh grade also made three-dimensional flowers and each one is completely unique. Some kids added butterflies to their flowers. I think they turned out beautifully. 

The only pitfall this month was my stapler injury. (If you don’t know, I’m very accident prone.) We’ve had faulty staplers over the years, and so I never assume they work. A student needed the stapler and I managed to impale my thumb when testing it. I did bleed a little and I found a Band-Aid (we art teachers/moms tend to keep lots of Band-Aids in our purses). Staplers should come with warning labels for the accident prone.

Well, that wraps things up for me for March. It’s been a really full month, and this teacher is more than ready for Spring break in a week or so.

Happy Spring, and I’ll see you next week with some adorable Easter art.


  1. Love all the great Irish leprechauns and colorful flowers. Worthy of selling!! Great job to all!

    1. The kids blew me away with their flowers. Thank you!

  2. You’re turning every student into an artist! Amazing stuff. Happy Spring!

    1. Well, thank you! Many of the students are super creative...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is Debby and I LOVED all the spring art!! The leprechauns are delightful and the oversize 3-D flowers are SPECTACULAR!!! You and the children all deserve a very restful and blessed spring break.

  4. I just love the 3d flowers. It's so wonderful to see these children make such beautiful art. Oh, by the way, I saw at least four leprechauns this year, but I promised them that I wouldn't take their picture.

    1. They are camera shy? That's okay--I believe you, without photographic proof. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Great work by all of your students! Well done!!!!

    1. Thanks, T! They really ran with these flowers, and it was fun to see their imaginations at work...

  6. I am always super impressed with the work your students produce! The spring leprechauns were so cute, and what can I say about the celebration of spring flower projects! BEAUTIFUL! Just what this person needs to get me out of our Midwest winter and into the spring mode! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Hi Rush, thank you! I hope that spring finds your neighborhood ASAP...

  7. I love the flowers! What a great idea and totally gets things in the mood for spring. Can't wait for warmer weather. Great job with the kids!
