Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Drop That Ball

My final post of the year.
Tomorrow is the first day of a new year, a fresh start. Resolutions? Mostly the same as I have made before. Better posture. Take my vitamins. Make more art. Be good to those I love, and to strangers, too.
New Year’s Eve. Tonight takes me back to New Year’s Eve fourteen years ago. At midnight, as 1999 turned to 2000, Hubby and I became engaged. Quite a bit has changed since then but he still makes me laugh every day. He’s still my go-to dude when it comes to calamities big and small (and mine always seem big!). New Year’s Eve fourteen years ago involved a party, friends, and staying up past midnight to ring in the new year. This New Year’s Eve is almost identical. Oh, except that we have three wiggly little ones bouncing off the ceilings. And we’re not at a party (although it sounds as loud as one around here, and that’s just on a regular night). And I’m not wearing a cute outfit. And I probably won’t stay up until midnight. And I’m not in my 20s anymore. (Aw, shucks). Or my 30s anymore. (Breathe. Do not panic. Just breathe.) But otherwise it’s exactly the same.
A neighbor a few blocks away put up this festive message. They always decorate and I love their spirit.

No, I’m not among the throngs at Times Square, waiting for the ball to drop. But I’m ready for you, 2014. A fresh new year with lots of potential.

What will 2014 bring?

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